Why Fish with High Times
Why Fish with High Times
Following his passion, Captain Ben jumped at the opportunity to learn from the ground up about this industry, fishing and mentoring with some of the finest fishermen the MS Gulf Coast has offered over decades. He has fished from Louisiana to Florida across the Gulf Coast, taking in aspects of other fisheries to understand better how each fishery differs and what makes our fishery along the Mississippi Gulf Coast unique. Not only has he developed tactics unique to his own style, but he also had tactics and strategies shared with many successful captains he has worked with over 15 years. For over a decade now, he has also understood the patterns and behaviors of the many different species available off the Mississippi Gulf Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico by following available science and being on the water to witness how these fish react to different conditions and seasons. This combination of knowledge shared by renowned captains and developed through trial and error and practical experience from a young age enables our guests to have a genuinely informed, successful, and memorable experience.
You can choose to fish with anyone, but when you select High Times Charters, you fish with someone whose passion has always centered around the ocean and driven him to share that passion with his guests in much the same way it was shared with him and changed his. That passion and enthusiasm cannot be faked, and time and time again, guests have shared that his love for the sea is undeniable and contagious and is what drives success. It has fueled a pursuit of knowledge and understanding only achievable through living it. The goal at High Times Charters is to share this knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm for the sea with you to ensure an unforgettable experience on the water, and the greater hope is to leave a lasting impression that will help preserve the wonder of our marine environment for generations to come. At High Times, it is not just about catching fish, which you will certainly do plenty of, but also about making memories for a lifetime while gaining a true appreciation for the wonder of the ocean.