The bread and butter of our island charters, redfish are regularly over 20lbs, consistent, hard fighters, and fantastic eating. Get ready to put up a fight!
Many species of sharks are available and prevalent around our islands and in the Gulf of Mexico. Some of our most common are Atlantic Sharp-Nose, Spinner, Blacktip, Bull, and Hammerhead sharks. It is common to encounter sharks over 100lbs over the season.
Available only upon snapper season-opening, these hard-fighting fish are coveted by many anglers. With fish regularly caught in the 20lb+ class, they can provide a hefty fight and excellent table.
Growing over 100 lbs, these fish are prized amongst all coastal anglers. Regular catches up to 50lbs happen over fleet when they arrive on their migration, with the occasional monster being caught.
Providing intense fights and acrobatic jumps, these fish can be challenging to land but offer an unforgettable memory upon doing so. They are also excellent on a dinner plate.
King Mackerel/Spanish Mackerel- Our mackerel species are regularly caught trolling our barrier islands.
King Mackerel provide blistering runs and can grow more than 50 lbs. Their smaller cousins don’t grow to quite a size but offer a fun fight on lighter tackle. Best of all, both species eat well, and Spanish Mackerel are an old-time Biloxi favorite.
These are the pound-for-pound kings of our barrier islands. Regularly exceeding 35 lbs, these fish are known as the family fish, as it can take a family to land one. Their intense, stubborn fight is challenging even the most accomplished angler. Though not great table fare, they are still an excellent sport fish to test your skills with!
Available in the spring only, these species range from 5-12lbs and are some of the finest eating you will come across at our islands. The approach is with light tackle and provides an excellent fight, generally with high numbers and plenty of filets to enjoy afterward.